In Memoriam

USEFP regrets to announce the passing of Global UGRAD and Fulbright alumnus Anum Nawaz in February 2023. Ms. Nawaz was a writer, psychologist, and artist. She was the founder of Canvas Connection, a platform for exhibiting and selling artwork inspired by abstract expressionism, and the co-founder of My Voices Unheard, ...
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Alumni Alumni In Action USEFP

Humphrey Alumni Find Solutions to Global Climate Crisis

In collaboration with the U.S. Department of State and the Humphrey Alumni Association of Pakistan (HAAP), USEFP organized the 4th Annual Humphrey Alumni Conference in Islamabad. Titled ‘Combating Climate Change: Finding a Broad-Based Remedy for the Future’ the conference aimed at finding multidisciplinary solutions to the climate crisis and devising ...
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Programs USEFP

51 Students Embark on Exchange Journey in the USA

This quarter, USEFP arranged a two-day pre-departure orientation (PDO) in Islamabad for 51 students selected for the Global Undergraduate Semester Exchange (Global UGRAD) Program. The PDO aimed to prepare the students for a smooth transition to life in the United States by covering topics such as campus life, American culture, ...
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EducationUSA USEFP

DAS Rosenzweig and Advisers Discuss Challenges, Opportunities

Ethan Rosenzweig, the Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) for Academic Programs at the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), called on USEFP in Islamabad on December 16. He toured the premises, met the organization’s core team, and enjoyed conversations over lunch. DAS Rosenzweig was appointed by U.S. President Joe Biden ...
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USEFP Transitions

This quarter, we welcomed Zahra Khan as an EducationUSA adviser in Karachi and Abeerah Fatima Mubasher as Assistant Communication Officer in Islamabad. Khan received a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from New York University. Prior to joining EducationUSA in 2022, she worked in development consulting and psychological research in Pakistan. Now ...
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