In an effort to foster a healthy exchange of ideas, encourage meaningful discussion, and influence change, USEFP organized PhD Alumni Forums, for Fulbright alumni who completed their PhD degrees in the United States. The forums were held in Islamabad as well as Karachi and were also attended by representatives from the U.S. Embassy and USEFP.

The U.S. Embassy and USEFP officials in discussion with PhD Alumni at the Karachi PhD Forum held on March 2, 2018.
One of the main themes of the forums, around which the discussion was centered, was the challenges of professional life in Pakistan. Alumni, especially those from academia and civil services, shared their professional experiences since returning to Pakistan. They spoke candidly on several topics including the general working environment, teaching practices, research supervision, research grants and publications, promotion criteria, and the current government policies on higher education.
The forum culminated on a positive note, having sparked a healthy exchange of ideas, and a consensus over several policy recommendations and practices.