
USEFP Among ‘Best Testing Labs’ According to Prometric Audit

All three centers are clean, safe and secure to ensure a smooth testing experience.

All three centers are clean, safe, and secure to ensure a smooth testing experience.

Efficient testing services are a crucial part of the higher education process and the USEFP Testing Department’s ability to keep the labs running safely and smoothly is testament to that belief. The score issued by Prometric after the annual audit – an impressive 90 percent – has squarely placed USEFP once again among the best testing labs. The audit report also termed the overall administration and management of examinations as ‘excellent’.

In addition to passing the audit with flying colors, the Testing Department oversaw many activities and changes this quarter. These were managed with stringent Covid-19 safety protocols firmly in place. The health and safety of staff, stakeholders and test takers remained the top priority at all three centers. Measures included (but were not limited to) wearing masks inside the premises, maintaining social distance at all times, diligently sanitizing hands, and keeping all workstations and surfaces squeaky clean.

Test takers being briefed by a staff member before starting their exam.

Test takers being briefed by a staff member before starting their exam.

Launch of new tests

 This quarter, USEFP not only continued to administer the GRE, TOEFL and GMAT, but also conducted professional exams and certifications for CFA Level I, II, III, ABP-PEMC, UKVI, RCPH and Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics (LTAM). As the window for the CFA exam closed in May, the test centers worked tirelessly to administer these exams, all the while providing candidates with a safe and secure environment.

Accommodating extra GRE applications

 As expected, the June 9 deadline for the Fulbright scholarship saw a distinct rise in GRE registrations. To manage the increasing inflow of registrations, the department opened testing on the weekends and conducted extra sessions during weekdays. Workflow was managed so efficiently that no candidate was turned away due to lack of slots.

SAT Subject Tests discontinued

 Following the College Board’s decision to discontinue offering the SAT Subject Tests, the Testing Department completed the last administration of these on June 5. From now on, SAT Subject Tests will not be offered by USEFP.

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