
EducationUSA Pakistan Displays Strong Presence at NAFSA and NAGAP

The EducationUSA Pakistan team places significant emphasis on professional development, networking, and the exchange of ideas and information. For this reason, advisers attend various conferences each year, networking with and learning from top administrators and peers from around the world, who have similar experiences and challenges in the field of international education.


Previously known as the National Association of Foreign Student Advisers (and now as NAFSA: Association of International Educators), this is the world’s largest nonprofit association dedicated to international education and exchange. Its annual conference and expo cater to over 10,000 members and international educators in over 150 countries by setting standards of good practice, providing training, professional development and networking opportunities, and advocating for international education.

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This year, due to Covid-19 and ensuing travel restrictions, the conference was a four-day virtual event from June 1 to June 4. EducationUSA was one of the exhibitors, represented by advisers from 18 countries.

Senior Adviser Syed Faraz attended the conference on behalf of EducationUSA Pakistan.

“Apart from representing and promoting the EducationUSA brand globally, the conference was an excellent opportunity to network with fellow advisers, promote Pakistan and establish new relationships with colleges, universities, and other exhibitors,” says Faraz.

A highlight of the four-day event was a meeting between Faraz and Jennifer Hunter, Admissions and Visibility Strategy Manager in the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at Rice University. As a result of the meeting, Rice University will now grant application fee waivers to students recommended by EducationUSA Pakistan for doctoral programs.  Moreover, all unsuccessful Fulbright PhD applicants who apply and succeed in securing admission to Rice will qualify for a full tuition waiver.


The National Graduate Enrollment Summit (NAGAP) took place from April 28 to May 1. Adviser Maryam Khan represented EducationUSA Pakistan.

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The conference consisted of multiple sessions on graduate recruitment. Discussions were based on topics such as how graduate admission decisions are made, how schools create marketing plans for graduate recruitment, and the impact of Covid-19.

Khan prepared and presented a video about Pakistani graduate students to U.S. higher education institutions. The video highlighted typical student profiles and financials in Pakistan, as well as suggestions for successful recruitment efforts.

Pakistan received a shoutout during the conference as the country saw an impressive 6.1% increase in graduate students studying in the USA this year.

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