EducationUSA Events & Outreach

Interactive PDO Prepares University-Bound Students for Life in the USA


To ease the transition of many students set to begin their studies on U.S. campuses in Spring 2022, EducationUSA Pakistan organized a two-day virtual pre-departure orientation (PDO) in December.

Both 90-minute sessions featured presentations from professionals and experts in the field, followed by interactive breakout rooms aimed to prepare students for life in the United States. The topics covered were preparation and arrival, cultural adaptation, student life, and classroom culture. This kind of information sharing helped reassure students as they got ready for their journeys. Moreover, as this PDO was discussion-based, outgoing students had the opportunity for more intimate and exclusive interaction with fellow outgoing students, advisers, and higher education professionals.

Among the panelists were a Consular Officer from the U.S. Embassy, a professional certified academic life coach, representatives from the University of Wisconsin – Stout and York College of Pennsylvania, an EducationUSA Virtual Student Federal Service intern, and EducationUSA advisers.

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