EducationUSA Events & Outreach Features USEFP

EdUSA events build engagement with Pakistani high schools

During this quarter, EducationUSA and USEFP worked actively to increase their presence on school campuses, helping promote access to information on U.S. higher education among Pakistan’s high school students. This was achieved through various sponsorships and collaborations undertaken through the months of January and February, helping bring the count of students facilitated during the entire year to 27,750.

With the U.S. undergraduate application season over, EducationUSA advisors found this to be a perfect time to interact with students planning to apply to the United States in the coming years. EducationUSA sponsored five high school events in Karachi, including science olympiads, mathematics and sports competitions, as well as conferences and expos.

In January two three-day Science Olympiads were sponsored, namely Scinnova III at Cedar College and Spectrum IX at Saint Patrick’s College. These Olympiads helped EducationUSA reach out to more than 20 schools and 350 students altogether. Through presentations and ‘ask an advisor’ stalls, students were able to talk about their various passions in science and how they can pursue them in the United States.

Students participating in various activities and events sponsored by USEFP and EducationUSA

Students participating in various activities and events sponsored by USEFP and EducationUSA


Aziq Furqan, an AS level student at Cedar College, and a member of the Scinnova III team, said that “Scinnova pushed our creative thinking to the utmost level. Our ideas were tested on the basis of their originality, conceptuality, cohesiveness, and practicality, all at the same time, putting our creativity on a harsh trial.”

Similarly, EducationUSA sponsored MacAthon, a Mathematics and Accounting competition held from February 21 to 23, 2020 at Sceptre College, where its advisers engaged with over 300 students from 9 schools. Moreover, to reach out to a more athletic student body, EducationUSA sponsored the inter-school rowing regatta from January 24 to February 2, 2020. More than 600 students and 22 schools participated in this annual sports event, held at the Karachi Boat Club, allowing EducationUSA advisors to have conversations about being a student-athlete in the United States.

EdUSA’s graduate sponsorships also included the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering held at University of Engineering Technology in Lahore from January 29 to 30. The conference gave EducationUSA and USEFP the chance to meet engineering students from one of the finest engineering colleges in the country, who are considering pursuing their interests in the United States.

Lastly, EducationUSA sponsored the 17th Annual Dawn Expo in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad from February 1 to 9, reaching a student body of over 25,000. The expo saw the highest reach in the year 2020, bringing the total number of students reached through sponsorships to more than 27,750 students this year.

These sponsorships and collaborations have not only helped EducationUSA advertise the services and programs it offers, but also allowed better networking and stronger relationships with schools, universities and other related organizations. Moreover, it has served to be incredibly helpful for students who are looking to pursue their passions and develop their skills through higher education in the U.S.

If you’re interested in pursuing higher education in the U.S., email for your 5 Steps to U.S. Study plan! Visit our Facebook or Instagram for more information on EducationUSA’s upcoming programs.

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